sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Benefits of planting a tree

1.- The fruit trees provide a display of flowers in spring and harvest in the fall
2.- accentuate the landscape
3.- Provide oxygen to the ecosystem
4.- Provide shade and can lower the cost of air conditioners between ten and fifteen percent
5.- Trees provide a habitat for wildlife

'' The lorax movie ''


In this short video of the movie Lorax. You can see that the trees have gone because the man failed to appreciate its importance. And if we do not know today come to take care of those extremes.

Sound Endings

1.-     (ed)                      (t)                      (d)

Added                         Asked               Called
Agreed                                                 Bothered
Answered                                             Cared
Attended                                               Carried
Dared                                                    Closed
Decided                                                 Cried
ldjlfjk                                                    Designed
fchsjhdf                                                 Dreamed
jdhjsas                                                   Enjoyed
hsdjha                                                    Failed
jsdkljla                                                   Finished